Official Press Conference at the Consulate RP in Toronto

*** English version follows. ***

Trzecia edycja konferencji Quo Vadis juz za niecaly tydzien, przed konferencyjne spotkania tuz tuz, a komitet organizacyjny w ciaglej pracy aby ta edycja wypadla jak najlepiej – nielatwe zadanie, biorac pod uwage sukces organizatorow poprzednich konferencji. Piatego maja, 2011 r., kilku czlonkow komitetu organizacyjnego spotkalo sie w Konsulacie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Toronto na oficjalnej konferencji prasowej. Ponizej zdjecie wykonane niedlugo po spotkaniu z dziennikarzami. Od lewej: Monika Wyrzykowska, Joanna Marks, Basia Waginska, Monika Wilk-Grzadka, wice-konsul Wojciech Dziegiel, Natalia Kusendova, Marcin Grzadka.


With the official start of the QV3 conference only 1 week away (and pre-conference events taking place even sooner), the QV3 organizing committee is working long hours to make this conference the most memorable Quo Vadis conference yet – quite a difficult task at hand, when one takes into account the successes of the previous two conferences. On May 5 2011, several members of the organizing committee met at the Consulate of the Republic of Poland (RP) in Toronto to hold an official press conference for QV3. Below, we have included a photo taken after the meeting with the press. Clockwise from the left: Monika Wyrzykowska, Joanna Marks, Basia Waginska, Monika Wilk-Grzadka, Vice-Consul Wojciech Dziegiel, Natalia Kusendova, Marcin Grzadka.


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Spotlight: The University of Toronto – St. George Campus

*** English version follows. ***

Juz niedlugo, bo zaledwie za miesiac odbedzie sie trzecia edycja konferencji Quo Vadis. Postanowilismy wiec zaprezentowac Wam, piekno miejsca gdzie odbedzie sie wiekszosc ze spotkan zwiazanych z konferencja, mianowicie kampus Sw. Jerzego na Uniwersytecie Torontonskim. Pomimo iz wszyscy delegaci otrzymaja pakiety informacyne wraz z mapkami orientacyjnymi na poczatku konferencji, zachecamy juz teraz do zapoznania sie z mapka kampusu: link do mapki. Mamy nadzieje iz zapewni to, ze kazdy dotrze na wyklady i spotkania bezproblemowo. Dla delegatow, ktorzy posiadaja Apple Iphone, proponujemy aby zainstalowali nastepujaca interaktywna aplikacje: iUofT iPhone app, ktora ulatwi orientacje po miasteczku.

Ponizej umieszczamy zdjecia zrobione na jesieni poprzedniego roku na terenie tego uniwerstytetu o wieloletniej tradycji.

Do zobaczenia za miesiac!


With the Quo Vadis III conference only 1 month away, we would like to put a spotlight on the University of Toronto’s St. George campus and showcase to those coming from out of town the beauty of the site on which most of the events of the QV3 conference will take place. Although delegates will be receiving information packages and maps at the beginning of the conference, we encourage those who may be unfamiliar with the campus to check out the campus map by visiting this link, to ensure they attend each event and lecture being held throughout the weekend. For those delegates who have an Apple iPhone, we encourage that they make sure to download the iUofT app, which is an interactive and paper-less way to get around campus during the QV3 conference.

To highlight the beauty of the St. George campus, we have included some photos below which were taken during last fall around the historic university. Please make sure to check them out, and enjoy.

We can’t wait to see you all in 1 month!

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*** English version follows. ***

Drodzy Studenci/Profesjonalisci/Liderzy polonijni:

Informujemy iz termin skladania aplikacji na konferencje Quo Vadis II oraz spotkan przedkonferencyjnych, zostal przedluzony do 18 kwietnia, 2011 roku.

Aplikacja jest dostepna na stronie:


Dear Students/Professionals/Polonia leaders,

Please note that the deadline to apply for the Quo Vadis III : “Tools for Success” Conference, as well as the preconference events has been extended until April 18th, 2011.

Apply at: while spots are still available!


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A *BIG* Thank You to Our Sponsors!

*** English version follows. ***

Pragniemy serdecznie podziekowac naszym sponsorom za wsparcie finansowe. Dzieki ich hojnej pomocy, udalo sie zorganizowac tego typu konferencje i na taka skale.

Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

Zwiazek Studentow Polsko Kanadyjskich w Windsor
Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Kanadzie
Council for Support of Polish Studies, Uniwersytet Torontonski

Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow w Kanadzie
Wirtualne Muzeum Kresy Siberia
Polish Canadian Business and Professionals’ Association of Windsor
Centrum Polonia w Windsor


We would like to thank our sponsors for their financial support, because without them it would not be possible to host QV3. Please make sure to click on the organizations to obtain more information about them.

The Senate of the Republic of Poland

Polish Canadian Students’ Association of Windsor
The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Council for Support of Polish Studies

Polish Combatants’ Association in Canada
Kresy Siberia Virtual Museum
Polish Canadian Business and Professionals’ Association of Windsor
Polonia Center Windsor (Inc.)

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Radio Polonia Schedule

*** English version follows. ***

Zapraszamy wszystkich radiosluchaczy do sluchania radiostacji 100.7fm Radio Polonia z Toronto. W kazda niedziele az do majowego weekend’u kiedy to bedzie miala miejsce konferencja Quo Vadis III, czlonkowie komitetu organizacyjnego beda dzielic sie bierzacymi informacjami. Oto harmonogram audycji:

Niedziela, 27 marca, 2011 o 18:30 – Kasia K i Asia M.
Niedziela, 3 kwietnia, 2011 o 18:30 – Przemek C. i Justyna P.
Niedziela, 10 kwietnia, 2011 0 18:30 – pamietamy Katyn/Smolensk – Natalia K, Marcin G. i Romi J.
Niedziela, 17 kwietnia, 2011 o 18:30 – Kasia K. i Asia M.
Niedziela, 24 kwietnia, 2011 o 18:30 – Wielkanoc, nie ma audycji
Niedziela, 1 maja, 2011 o 18:30 – Jola D. oraz Stowarzyszenie Mlodej Poloni w Hamilton (Hamilton Polonia Youth Organization)
Niedziela, 8 maja, 2011 o 18:30 – Natalia K. i Marcin G.


Please make sure to tune into your local radio channel 100.7FM Radio Polonia every Sunday (from now until the conference itself: May 13-15, 2011) to listen to the QV3 organizing committee broadcasting the latest news about the QV3 conference. The broadcasting schedule is as follows:

Sunday, March 27th, 2011 @ 6:30pm – Kasia K. and Asia M.
Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 @ 6:30pm – Przemek C. and Justyna P.
Sunday, April 10th, 2011 @ 7:30pm – Katyn/Smolensk Memorial – Natalia K., Marcin G. and Romi J.
Sunday, April 17th, 2011 @ 6:30 pm – Kasia K. and Asia M.
Sunday, April 24th, 2011 @ 6:30pm – Easter Sunday – (no broadcast)
Sunday, May 1st, 2011 @ 6:30 pm – Jola D. and the Hamilton Polonia Youth Organization (HPYO)
Sunday, May 8th, 2011 @ 6:30pm – Natalia K. and Marcin G.

Stay tuned!

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Snapshots: Polonia Night Fundraiser

*** English version follows. ***

20 marca, 2011 roku w sali SPK w Toronto odbyla sie oficjalna kolacja z udzialem przedstawicieli organizacji polonijnych, politykow, studentow oraz profesjonalistow, zorganizowana przez komitet organizacyjny Quo Vadis III. Byly posel Jesse Flis rozpoczal cykl przemowien ciekawa dyskusja, w ktorej podkreslil jak istotna role pelnia takie przedsiewziecia jak QV w budowaniu i umacnianiu tozsamosci. Kolejnym mowca byl professor Walter Perchal, ktory zwrocil uwage na fakt jak wazne jest finansowe wsparcie w organizowaniu wydarzenia na taka skale. Wszyscy sponsorzy zostali wyroznieni i otrzymali gorace podziekowania. Wieczor zakonczyl sie loteria fantowa, z ktorej dochody zasila oczywiscie konferencje. Tej nocy udalo sie zebrac ponad $5000. Serdeczne podziekowania dla wszystkich obecnych, mamy nadzieje, ze wszyscy goscie milo spedzili czas!


Here are some snapshots from our Polonia Night Fundraiser, held this past Sunday, March 20, 2011, hosted at the SPK in Toronto. The night kicked off with a wonderful opening speech by former MP Jesse Flis, who stressed the value of self-hope and how conferences such as QV3 can help build it by strengthening a sense of community within attending delegates. Afterwards, attendees of the dinner enjoyed a very tasty four-course meal, which was followed shortly by an insightful talk by Professor Walter Perchal. Professor Perchal touched on the importance of sponsorship to help conferences such as QV3 come to fruition, and reminded the guests of how thankful the organizing committee is for the help of all their sponsors, without whom there would be no conference. Shortly after, the sponsors were acknowledged for all of their contributions to the QV3 conference, and the night ended with an exciting raffle to raise some more money. Overall, the event was a huge success, and the QV3 organizing committee was able to raise well over $5000.00 during the course of the night. Thank you all for attending, and we hope everybody had lots of fun!

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Senate RP Approves Funding for 50 International Delegates

*** English version follows. ***

Z wielka radoscia informujemy iz Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej udzielil sponsorstwa finansowego, ktore umozliwi pobyt 50 delegatow z poza Kanady na konferencji Quo Vadis III.


We have recently been informed that the Senate of the RP (Republic of Poland) has been approved funding to sponsor 50 international delegates to attend the Quo Vadis 3 conference in Toronto, May 13-15 2011.

This is very exciting news for all of us, and we in Toronto cannot wait to host some new friends from overseas. Get your applications in as soon as possible by clicking here and don’t forget registration closes at the end of this month, so please apply while there are still spots left!

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Sponsors Who Help Make QV3 Possible

Please don’t forget to learn about some of our many sponsors who are helping make this conference possible:

– GOLD sponsor: Polish Canadian Students’ Association of Windsor (

– SILVER sponsor: Polish Combatants’ Association in Canada

– SILVER sponsor: Kresy Siberia Virtual Museum (

More information to follow soon.

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Snapshots: QV3 Meeting at CFC

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QV3 Blog – Teraz Po Polsku!

Witamy, chcieliśmy was poinformować że teraz można nasz blog czytać po polsku!

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